Vintage Caturday

In honor of the social media phenomenon of “Caturday,” I am contributing this wonderful vintage photo from 1963.

I know for a fact, however, that the photo was taken on a Sunday.  There is a short, short story written on the back of the snap: “When we came in from church Eva picked her [the cat] up and she walked around on her [Eva’s] shoulders as she does and when she [Eva] leaned over to let her jump down she just got in this position and laid down so might [?] be a good time to get a picture of them.”   (Excuse the editing, a habit from thirty years of correcting student papers.  At least I haven’t interceded to break up the run-on sentence.)

Not only is the unnamed cat quite wonderful, but Eva’s church dress is as well.  Made from a shiny dark material, it has three quarter length sleeves, probably a somewhat boxy shape, and a length reaching just to her knees, or a little below them.  She dressed it up with a shiny necklace.  And did her everyday outfits also include the cat?

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5 Responses to Vintage Caturday

  1. Rhoda K says:

    I’m not familiar with the “Caturday ” phenom, so searched it out. Interesting . . . . don’t think I’ll follow though 😉

  2. JS says:

    I have no problem with editing, but didn’t think there was any ambiguity.

    I love #Caturday.

  3. Susan says:

    I bet Eva’s church suit was taffeta — in which case she really loved her cat, because I can picture the puncture holes left by its claws….

  4. Robert Moeller says:

    The cat could do with a necklace.

  5. Amy J says:

    Love this proof that silly cat photos aren’t just a product of the smart phone era.

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