I know that people used to dress up to fly on airplanes, but I didn’t realize that the custom also applied to train travel. According to the smart people on the website Mid Century in Color, this photo was taken at the downtown Minneapolis station. The woman in yellow is being shown off for a long trip, eventually ending up in Norway. Although the background is gloomy, it must be Spring judging from her bright yellow outfit. Combined with her flowered hat, it looks like something she bought for an Easter Parade. Is Norway ready for her?
Our traveler’s friends are not nearly so colorful, although they are also quite well dressed. They wear hats, gloves, and jewelry. I even spy at least one pair of high heels–no dowdy shoes here. Although most of the hats fit close to the head, there is a wide variety of styles–boaters, berets, cloche, with a dish hat in the back. Even the little dog comes with headgear.